Lisa M. Zarda,

February 8, 2021


Learning to swim is a life skill and while the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting swim lessons at one year of age, it’s never too late to learn to swim!


Swim for Your Health

There are many benefits of learning to swim, in fact in a blog post for Orlando Health, author Dave Brummert shares, “In addition to lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke, swimming can improve the number, size, and efficiency of mitochondria you have. These are the energy-producing engines we all have inside our muscle cells. When they’re more efficient, other day-to-day tasks require less effort.” 


Swim for Your Brain

In a study conducted by Griffith University, it was found that children under five learning to swim showed improved cognitive skills development to anywhere from six to 15 months ahead of the normal population in areas including problem solving, counting, language and following instructions.


Swim for Your Mood

Swimming increases your sense of happiness and wellbeing. In fact, getting active is often recommended to those struggling with depression. Why does exercise make you happy? Swimming and other exercises release endorphins, a hormone in your brain that simply makes you feel good. Endorphins are what increase positivity and bring a sense of happiness.


Swim for Improved Sleep

According to a poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, people who exercise regularly report better and deeper sleep than those who don’t exercise. Swimming is a great form of exercise to strengthen your muscles and tire yourself out so you are ready for a long, restful, and mood-enhancing sleep.


Swim for Safety

A study conducted in 2009 found that formal swim lessons between the ages of 1 and 4 help reduce the risk of drowning by 88%. 
While there are many benefits to learning to swim, including great benefits for young children, it’s never too late to learn to swim. It is a form of exercise that is great for all ages and abilities, just always remember to swim safely and never swim alone.


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